Sunday, June 26, 2011

Learning through Experience

       We could not deny the fact that sometimes we can commit mistakes, and the best way to get rid of it is to move on and face the real world. Just  like what  I have  experienced  to  one of my subjects now. Although it was a group activity, but the fact that I am the Leader of the group,  I was accountable  to either success or failures of the said activity. We don't have enough  preparation   for the task  assigned to us. That is why we ended up failed and discouraged. It is very frustrating because some of my members didn't care what will happen to our group grades if we don't perform well during our reporting. But what can I do? It was already happened..
       Now, I've learned a lot . The success of every activity depends on how you do your best especially if it is group work. Unity and cooperation are  very much needed in  making the task assigned to each participants. There are also need for encouragement and motivation.
       Indeed,  I would say "There is no wrong in making  mistakes, what is important you learn , and avoid some actions  that will lead you to come up again with that certain situation". Now I always  put  it into my mind that  " Experience is the best Teacher" ( one of a very famous sayings) and through it you've learn a lesson. Therefore what ever mistakes I made , I should take it a challenge to change and learned through my experience.