Sunday, July 31, 2011


Students who have great motivation can easily learned otherwise, poor learning may acquire for those students who are lack of motivation. Hence,  motivation is the driving force toward achieving one’s goal and a secret for a greater  success in learning.
Therefore, motivation is very important to the students. The teacher must give more focus on this matter.

There are two different forms of motivation
(Principles and Methods of Teaching by Zulieta)
1.       Intrinsic Motivation
2.       Extrinsic Motivation

·         INTRINSIC
Involves sustaining or increasing the interest learners already have in a topic or task.

Some activities and materials that can be used to enhance intrinsic motivation are:
1.       Challenging statements
2.       Pictures and cartoons
3.       Personal experiences
4.       Problems
5.       Exploratory and creative activities
6.       Charts, tables, graphs , maps
7.       Anecdotes and stories
8.       Contests and games
·         EXTRINSIC
Focuses on cognitive strategies.  Activities that enhance success and reduce failure thus increases motivation.

Below are the nine basic principles can be used by teachers for enhancing extrinsic motivation:
1.       Clear directions and expectations
2.       Time on task
3.       Cognitive match
4.       Prompt feed back
5.       Relate past learning w/ present learning
6.       Frequent rewards
7.       Praise
8.       High expectations
9.       Value of rewards