Sunday, July 10, 2011

Learning Principle

            Molding young minds, teaching and imparting knowledge to an innocent mind is definitely a hard  task. Especially if  the teacher is new and are not yet familiar w/ the behavior and differences of the students/pupils he/she handled. That is why the teacher must know and make it sure that his/her student  have a clear idea of the goal, physiologically and psychologically ready and prepare to respond their new experience, motivated to learn, active in any teaching-learning process, repeat or practice what they have learned, feel the significance, meanings, implications and application to real life situation of a given experience. Aside from that the teacher must taught them also to learn a democracy in a democratic environment by practicing and living w/ it.

           Those are some guidelines for an effective learning process. Thus, if the teachers are completely aware of these, both are well- benefited and we can say that the teacher is successful on his/her task.