Sunday, August 14, 2011

In formulating a Questions

Below are the list on  how to formulate a good questions;

1. BE SIMPLE AND DIRECT. Having this quality make the students understand easier the questions being raise and encourage them to participate.

2. ENCOURAGE CRITICAL THOUGHT. Encourage them to think and analyze like asking a thought - provoking questions of how and why, not when, where, who or what unless introduced by a provocative comment. Lastly, do not ask questions that call for a Yes or No answers because  it will not stimulate critical thinking or problem solving strategies.

3. BE AIMED AT ELICITING BROAD ANSWERS,  NOT MEMORY OF FACTUAL INFORMATION. Raise questions that will encourage the students to expand or broaden their answers by not just memorizing the content of every detail of the certain topic/lesson.

4. BE ASKED IN AN ORDER THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Make it sure that the questions being raise is in relation to the topic have already discussed. By doing that, the students will participate or cooperate in the discussion and this will also motivate them to learn.

5. VARY IN DIFFICULTY AND ABSTRACTNESS TO ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION BY DIFFERENT STUDENTS. Start the questions by giving first the easy or moderate one before moving on to the difficult questions. So that not only the high-achieving students will participate but also the low-achieving one.