Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Matter of Choice

it's easy to say but its hard to put it in action. And most of all its easy to judge but the question is, "Are you willing to accept the truth? if not, think it million times and go back to the first step...make a right decision because once you went wrong, no matter how hard you try, time won't come back and undo what you have already decided.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thanks to you

.... Thank you for the good memories you shared to me...i wont forget you.
 and I just want to Congratulate my all classmates BSOA Batch 2012, God Bless ...Excelsior..!
I'm so proud of you guys.. I hope you don't forget year  pa po ako gagraduate..huhu..naiwan na naman ako...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In formulating a Questions

Below are the list on  how to formulate a good questions;

1. BE SIMPLE AND DIRECT. Having this quality make the students understand easier the questions being raise and encourage them to participate.

2. ENCOURAGE CRITICAL THOUGHT. Encourage them to think and analyze like asking a thought - provoking questions of how and why, not when, where, who or what unless introduced by a provocative comment. Lastly, do not ask questions that call for a Yes or No answers because  it will not stimulate critical thinking or problem solving strategies.

3. BE AIMED AT ELICITING BROAD ANSWERS,  NOT MEMORY OF FACTUAL INFORMATION. Raise questions that will encourage the students to expand or broaden their answers by not just memorizing the content of every detail of the certain topic/lesson.

4. BE ASKED IN AN ORDER THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Make it sure that the questions being raise is in relation to the topic have already discussed. By doing that, the students will participate or cooperate in the discussion and this will also motivate them to learn.

5. VARY IN DIFFICULTY AND ABSTRACTNESS TO ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION BY DIFFERENT STUDENTS. Start the questions by giving first the easy or moderate one before moving on to the difficult questions. So that not only the high-achieving students will participate but also the low-achieving one.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


A teacher’s blue print hence, it is a very important tool of a teacher that serves guidelines of what is being taught for a certain time/day.

Having a well-prepared and organized lesson plan, give the teachers (especially to the beginners) a feeling of security and confident. Thus, avoiding in adequacy and a feeling of anxiety.

In preparing a Good Lesson Plan, make sure the following parts are included:
3.       PROCEDURE

                What do I plan to teach? The answers of these question is the objectives. Objectives are the backbone of the lesson, a direction, a point to be reached or a goal of one’s mission.
                In making an objective, teacher’s must state the objective clearly and definite/specific. And  it follows the three types of learning. Cognitive (knowledge), Affective (Emotions), and Psychomotor (Skills).

                Course of study of a certain grade/level.
 It should be:
·         definite,
·         suitable to the needs and different abilities of the pupils/students
·         follows a certain textbook as reference

                This is the list or a step by step process on how the teacher conduct or perform the specific objectives based on the subject matter presented. It includes also the devices used and methods which need an appropriate motivation to capture the learner’s interest.
                The device used must be “ properly prepared, make the teaching clear, concrete and more comprehensive to the pupils/students and also varied materials and media to supplement and clarify content (Principles and Methods of Teaching by Zulieta).

                Methods’ must also be practical, clear steps, concrete and well arranged for the students easy learning. The teachers should make it sure also that the lesson was not dull and boredom. If so, make some development and follow some steps below.
1.       “Teaching new fact of principle
2.       Impressing the new fact or principle, by examples, illustrations, comparison, and contrast.
3.       Generalization of forming the rule for the new fact of principle taught.
4.       Testing the pupils/students on the new fact or principle”.
(Principles and Methods of Teaching by Zulieta)
Varied methods also include “practice and drill, questioning, and demonstrations and experiments, and explanations and lectures (Principles and Methods of Teaching by Zulieta).  These are the methods of which designed to keep the lesson on track and thus making the lesson interesting and fun yet, give much learning.

                This is to test the students whether they understand the lesson that had been discussed. This can be done in a form of short quiz, an oral recitation, board work, groupings and a hands on activity (for the computer class subject).
                In giving an evaluation, allocate time duration and prepare questions clearly.

                This is the task given by the teacher to improve the learning’s of the students and give awareness of what is the next lesson to be taught by the teacher. It can be a research or a practice/drill of the previous lesson or an advance study of the next lesson.
                In giving and assignment, arouse the students interest, help them to study and clear the difficulties if any before you are going to leave the class.

                Those are the following steps in making a lesson plan. It actually depends upon the styles and methods of a teacher. If they want to have a detailed lesson plan and semi-detailed one! It’s up to them.
Hence, there is no ideal format to follow for a lesson plan. The teachers only follow what is being recommended by the school he/she was assigned to teach.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Students who have great motivation can easily learned otherwise, poor learning may acquire for those students who are lack of motivation. Hence,  motivation is the driving force toward achieving one’s goal and a secret for a greater  success in learning.
Therefore, motivation is very important to the students. The teacher must give more focus on this matter.

There are two different forms of motivation
(Principles and Methods of Teaching by Zulieta)
1.       Intrinsic Motivation
2.       Extrinsic Motivation

·         INTRINSIC
Involves sustaining or increasing the interest learners already have in a topic or task.

Some activities and materials that can be used to enhance intrinsic motivation are:
1.       Challenging statements
2.       Pictures and cartoons
3.       Personal experiences
4.       Problems
5.       Exploratory and creative activities
6.       Charts, tables, graphs , maps
7.       Anecdotes and stories
8.       Contests and games
·         EXTRINSIC
Focuses on cognitive strategies.  Activities that enhance success and reduce failure thus increases motivation.

Below are the nine basic principles can be used by teachers for enhancing extrinsic motivation:
1.       Clear directions and expectations
2.       Time on task
3.       Cognitive match
4.       Prompt feed back
5.       Relate past learning w/ present learning
6.       Frequent rewards
7.       Praise
8.       High expectations
9.       Value of rewards